Welcome to Windergate

Windergate Capital Management is an investment company uniting professional traders. Complex world of markets is our daily concern. Our mission is to obtain funds for further management. Almost ten years of successful development ensured us that we are ready to open our service to the whole world.

We’ve never forgotten that our business is all about our clients. By understanding their needs, anticipating how these will evolve in the future, and focusing on building wealth for them in the long-term, we have remained current, relevant and up-to-date.

Of course, appreciating what matters most to an individual client is just the start. We also invest in understanding the ever-changing environment. Both the big picture and the fine detail are important in this – that’s why we pride ourselves in having specialist teams with freethinking ideas. They give our clients a unique lens on the world and allow us to invest for them with conviction, take long-term decisions and seek sustainable returns.

Delivering long-term value demands powerful tools as well as deep insights. We have always tailored our investment strategies and solutions so that they are focused on protecting and growing our clients’ wealth. That means we’re tough with ourselves – designing and stress testing products and ideas at every turn and ruthlessly discarding anything that doesn’t measure up now or in the future.

Client focus, specialist teams, bespoke solutions – it’s a simple story that you’ll hear across our firm from my colleagues in every part of our business. All three are works in progress – constantly developed, tuned and delivered for our clients now and for the next two centuries. Constantly focused on their future prosperity.

Our mission is to provide our investors with a great opportunity for their funds by investing as prudently as possible in various arenas to gain a high rates in return.

Past performance is not a guide to future performance and may not be repeated. The value of investments and the income from them may go down as well as up and investors may not get back the amounts originally invested. All investments involve risks including the risk of possible loss of principal.

To the extent that you are in North America, this content is issued by Windergate Capital Management North America Inc., an indirect wholly owned subsidiary of Windergate Capital Management ltd. and SEC registered adviser providing asset management products and services to clients in the US and Canada.

For all other users, this content is issued by Windergate Capital Management Limited, 29 Gresham Street, London, EC2V 7QA. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

© Copyright 2018 Windergate Capital Management Ltd. For any further questions, please contact us